House painting services
Why choose us
Costa Painting House Painters provides customers with a full complement of residential painting services throughout the extended Greater Boston Area. We will repair and paint both contemporary and historic homes and businesses, both inside and out, with beautiful lasting results.
Having work done on your home should be a positive experience. Costa Painting will maintain a clean well-protected work area and leave no residual mess. Customers can expect an efficient, friendly, non-smoking, highly skilled crew and the peace-of-mind that comes from choosing an established, reputable and dependable painting contractor.
Are you ready to give your home a fresh style and look?
For interior or exterior painting of the house you can count on Costa Painting, we serve Framingham, MA.
Interior House Painting
A high quality paint job can not only help to preserve your home, but it can also help to increase the value of your home.
Exterior House Painting
Costa Painting provides you work professional, qualified crews. You can be assured that your projects are done right, on time, as promised!
Light House Carpentry
Costa Painting will patch, repair any damaged areas as needed as well as add crown moldings to rooms to gie it that extra finished look.
Drywall Repair
At Costa Painting we have a team that does the process of recovering and repairing walls and ceilings in drywall, always looking for the best result.
Professional Painters
Costa Painting CP
Painters near me
Interior and exterior Painting Services. Find the best interior painters near me. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or living room.
Costa Painting connects you with professional house painters. Compare, read reviews and book the best interior and exterior painting online, in the state of Massachusetts.
Renew your home
Is your house in need of a new painting?
With her, your house is able to win another face, everything looks more beautiful and face again.
With harmonious combinations, small environments are large and larger houses become even more flashy and well decorated. In addition, it is possible to leave them well decorated and cozy.
Choose the best home painting taking into account the style of the décor and the size of your environment. This applies to all rooms of the house, including kitchen, bathroom and outdoor area.
After choosing the best color combination for your home, just count on Costa Painting and our painters to leave your home renovated and cozy.
Give a touch of color to your home!
Some Exterior House Painting Services
Costa Painting House Painting and Joinery Framingham, MA
Costa Painting CP, LLC specializes in residential painting and carpentry projects.
Business services include, but are not limited to, interior painting, exterior painting, light woodwork, and more.
Interior House
Exterior House
Design & Consultation
WHY CHOOSE Costa Painting?
How about having a completely renovated environment? That is why your home can count on the best in services that Costa Painting offers. Count on our services:
- Interior painting: Your home can count on a minimalist environment, even vibrant colors, making the space more valued. The interior painting can even give the feeling of a wider and more open space.
- Exterior painting: The exterior of your home with a new look! The entrance to your house can stay clean and renovated and be the highlight among the neighbors! The space is more valued and new with the external painting.
- Carpentry: All details renovated! We do fine carpentry services, restoration of frames, handrails, all so that the finishing is perfect.
House painters near Framingham
Recent Work
Looking for painters?
Costa Painting CP works with the best painters in the region, high quality painting work to preserve your home.
We service in the state of Massachusetts.
Where We Work
Needham, MA
Hopkinton, MA
Upton, MA
Milford, MA
Sudbury, MA
Bolton, MA
Millis, MA
Sutton, MA
Southborough, MA
Marlboro, MA
Sudbury, MA
Acton, MA
Maynard, MA
Lincoln, MA
Costa Painting CP
We serve in the state of Massachusetts, doing Interior Painting, Exterior Painting and Carpentry work.
We carry out quality projects and with agility to deliver the best in a short time.
Costa Painting Google Reviews
Costa Painting was easy to schedule the job and very professional. The friendly crew worked on painting the exterior of our home from 8am to 8pm, each day they picked everything up not to disturb out daily life. Extremely happy with the end result and will definitely use again in a future.
Costa painting did a great job on my house. They beat all the other bids I received and was even able to paint on an expedited time table. I truly appreciated the communication from the company. The owner did a walk through after the job to make sure everything was acceptable. I highly recommend this company for your painting needs.
We emailed Costa Painting on Monday and Leando was out to give us an estimate that very day. Our job was on the smaller side and we were having trouble getting our “usual” painting company to commit to scheduling us. Leandro was understanding and said he had a larger job finishing up that week and he could send someone to take care of our smaller project either Friday or Saturday that week (ended up being Saturday).